Emzi's GitLab


This is my GitLab instance, which I run for personal projects. I am willing to grant access to others, provided they contact me first.

How to register

Registration is open, however any account has to be approved by me before you can log in. If you want to register, give me a heads-up on IRC (ircs://irc.emzi0767.com/), in the #gitlab channel first. If, for whatever reason, I have a reason against it, I'll let you know.

CI rules

CI is enabled and available to all registered and approved users. There is a shared AArch64 runner available, however it is hosted on machines with limited resources and no uptime guarantee, and, as such, it is advisable you prefer BYOR (bring your own runner) setups.


Pages are fully armed and operational, available at https://<username>.gl-pages.emzi0767.dev/.

Trouble logging in?

Try clearing your cookies. If the problem persists, hit me up on IRC.

Emzi's GitLab