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Version 4.0.0 of DSharpPlus, made possible by the contributions of the following people:

- Emzi0767 <Emzi0767#1837>
- uwx <Maxine#3680>
- Neuheit <sh30801#3056>
- Naamloos <Naamloos#2887>
- Kiritsu <Allan#0075>
- IDoEverything <CabbageAdi#7288>
- jeffreyladd <Glockness#2876>
- WamWooWam <WamWooWam#6502>
- Quahu <Quahu#9015>
- KoB-Kirito <Kirito#0790>
- js6pak <6pak#0001>
- Lachee <Lachee#9999>
- Kriste00 <kriste00#3986>
- nathan130200
- VelvetThePanda <Velvet#0069>
- ProfDoof <Prof Doofenshmirtz#0101>
- RORIdev
- Soyvolon <Soyvolon#8016>
- spydacarnage <spydacarnage#4346>
- xt449 <xt449#8551>
- armaa <armaa#5423>
- chriskolenko
- F1restar4
- FenikkusuKoneko <Koneko#0001>
- Giggitybyte <thegiggitybyte#8099>
- jcryer <jcryer#5213>
- N0D4N
- xSke <Ske#6201>
- 13xforever <13xforever#0013>
- abyssal <abyssal#0001>
- antonnnyyy
- espriminati
- fumple
- GreemDev <Greem#1337>
- ikegami
- ivan-ristovic
- JGray0705
- Lymdun <Lymdun#9640>
- MichalPetryka
- nick-strohm
- OoLunar
- ostorc <ostorc#9999>
- ParanormalVibe
- PeskyTheBear <PeskyTheBear#8835>
- RedworkDE
- s4rduk4r
- Sampleeeee
- Speyd3r <Speyd3r (Hiatus)#3939>
- tenhobi <tenhobi#3744>
- Valansch
- Xyrai <Xyrai#4069>